英國國寶都聽 鄭中基爸爸?
1960年代,香港舞廳酒廊嘅駐場樂隊多數都係翻玩國外嘅Cover,少有自家創作,心氣盛嘅泰迪羅賓(圖下中)就因為純粹好玩,聯同關維麟(圖上左)、關偉(圖上右),三兄弟搵埋陳國明(圖下左)、鄭東漢(圖上中)及後期加入嘅陳家蓀(圖下右)組成Teddy Robin and the play boys翻唱之餘亦自己寫歌,靠眾人嘅天份係香港極速走紅,連環出碟,風頭一時無兩。

時不過六、七年,同期The Lotus的許冠傑由唱英文成功過渡唱粵語,帶起粵歌風潮。呢個時候The Playboys深知花無百日紅,樂隊成員早已各自投身職業,有人向演藝界發展,有人加入唱片行做監製,隨住時代前進,Teddy Robin and the play boys呢個響當當嘅名字成為了歷史堂物像。


09年,英國巨Band Oasis來港演出時,大佬Noel Gallagher 就在Milk雜誌訪問中提及對 Teddy Robin and the play boys的敬佩:

記者:你曾經係其他訪問提過你鍾意Teddy Robins嘅〈Magic Colours〉,你地新碟《Dig Out Your Soul》都有同佢好類似嘅迷幻元素,係唔係從中攞到啲靈感?

Noel:我之前係倫敦嘅唱片鋪買左隻碟叫《Love, Peace and Poetry》,係隻60年代亞洲迷幻樂隊嘅合輯黎,應該有好多正野係入面。跟住我開黎聽,個首〈Magic Colours〉,哇,好撚正。好似Jimi Hendrix 咁,係我成世仔聽過最勁嘅野之一。不過我啲靈感唔係係到黎,至少我手結他真係冇佢玩得咁好。

You mentioned in an interview that you liked this song Magic Colours by a 70s Hong Kong musician called Teddy Robins. It happens that Dig Out Your Soul is very psychedelic sounding as well. Did you get you inspirations from there somehow?

N: I got this record called Love, Peace and Poetry in a record shop in London which was supposed to be a 60s psychedelic record from Asia. I thought there might be some good stuff in there and that track, Magic Colours, it fxxking blew me away! A bit like Jimi Hendrix or something, probably one of the best thing I've ever heard! But no I didn't get my inspirations from there, at least I probably don't play guitar as good as he does.)

而當時係The Playboys 入面負責玩Lead Guitar嘅就係鄭中基嘅爸爸,鄭東漢,好有可能令Noel為之驚嘆嘅個手結他就係出自鄭東漢之手。The playboys解散之後佢加入左鑽石唱片擔任唱片監製,隨後一步步係唱片業發展,更成立金牌大風,歷來一手棒紅不少歌手,其子鄭中基就係佢唱片公司嘅旗下藝人之一。

雖然收左山好耐,但鄭東漢都冇忘記佢玩結他嘅興趣。17年,仔仔鄭中基Play It Again世界巡迴演唱會香港站,作為老細兼老豆嘅鄭東漢就擔起結他為佢陪奏露返兩手。19年One More Time 演唱會,更有孫女Emma在台上獻唱,一家三代濟濟一台,場面溫馨。一眾樂迷亦可以藉機重溫呢位被英國國寶讚譽嘅結他手技藝。


Teddy Robin & The Playboys - Magic Colors 試聽:

鄭中基 — 八二十八八十八(大女Emma和音+鄭東漢拌結他)

鄭中基 —浪子心聲(父親鄭東漢結他伴奏)

09年milk 訪問全文: